10.30.20 | By: The Road Home Staff
The Road Home: New Operator of the Gail Miller Resource Center

We are honored to begin serving as the Operator of the Gail Miller Resource Center and continue our partnerships with Shelter the Homeless and the Salt Lake community in this important way. We look forward to nurturing deep relationships with the guests, the staff, and the neighborhood.
The Road Home team members will be providing strength-based housing services to each guest at the Gail Miller Resource Center to support them on their journey back to a stable home.
Our goal is to ensure that people move out of homelessness and into housing, by providing excellence in service delivery, leveraging our team’s experience, making data-driven decisions, and expanding our innovative housing programs. We thank our community partners for working side by side with us to strengthen our current efforts, and we will continue that spirit of collaboration to improve homeless service delivery within the new model to ensure our guests are transitioned from safe and appropriate shelter to permanent housing.
As always, The Road Home will serve as a partner and advocate for more deeply affordable housing in our community, which is the long-term solution for helping people end their homelessness.