Ongoing Volunteer Options

Court-Ordered Volunteering

Court-Ordered Volunteering

Pamela Atkinson Resource Center
Gail Miller Resource Center
Midvale Family Resource Center
[email protected]

The Road Home will accommodate court-ordered volunteer hours on a case by case basis. A few policies to keep in mind that may prevent you from completing or continuing your service hours:

-If you regularly cancel shifts you may no longer be able to volunteer.
-If you no call/no show you may no longer be able to volunteer.
-A Volunteer Coordinator must supervise and sign off on hours.
-You need to schedule during approved times.
-Masks are required regardless of vaccination status. If you do not have a mask or are not wearing your mask properly, you may be asked to leave.
-For everyone’s health and safety we ask that you cancel your shift if you are sick. Volunteers who are visibly unwell will be asked to leave.
-Available volunteer opportunities will be dependent on current needs and Volunteer Coordinator Schedules. Make sure you are signing up to volunteer during approved shifts, otherwise, your hours will not count.
-If you miss 2 or more shifts without providing notice prior to the shifts, your approval may be revoked. If you need to cancel a shift at the last minute due to illness or an emergency, it is best to send an email so that there is written documentation.

Please click here to complete our court-ordered interest form.

See Other Options


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