Over the past 100 years of our history, The Road Home has adapted and grown to meet the changing and increasing needs of people experiencing homelessness, and we continue to innovate to help people on their journey to a permanent and stable home. Although we have made some incredible strides over the years, there is still work to be done and support of the entire community is needed. Thank you for being our partners as we work together to solve homelessness.
Salt Lake City Chapter of Travelers’ Aid Society Established
Founded in 1923, The Salt Lake chapt...
The Great Depression
The Great Depression ushered in an era of extreme difficulty, especially in th...
WWII and Social Disruption
Utah had been economically devastated during the 1930s. As 1940 approach...
Municipal Airport Location
In August of 1957, the Travelers’ Aid Society began offering its servi...
Greyhound Building Location
In January of 1969, the Travelers’ Aid Society office was established...
A Decade of Change
The 1970's was a decade of change, and the needs of people turning to the Travel...
A New Era
The expansion of services that began in the 1970’s increased exponentially in the 1980�...
1980s Cont.
The 1st Chili Affair
In response to the greater need in the community and expansion of our services...
Continued Growth
During the 1990’s we continued to expand our services and find innovative ways ...
Housing First
Everyday we work to help people on their journey to a permanent and stable home. In 2...
Continuing to Meet the Needs of Our Community
In 2010, we changed the operation of our Community Wi...
Where We Are Now
In 2020, we were selected to start operating the Gail Miller Resource Center. This...